First Trimester Experience
Since the news is out there that Ben and I are expecting a baby in May, I thought it would be a good time to start sharing my journey. I am in the seventeenth week as I write this and it’s already crazy to reflect and see time fly!
I’ll start this story out by saying God’s plan is always greater than our own. I am such a planner and that didn’t change when it came to family planning. As much as I worked on leaning into God’s perfect timing, when Ben and I decided we wanted to start a family, I was ready that week. So although only a couple months went by without success, I was able to get just a glimpse into what it really means to trust God’s timing. We can only do so much, but God is the ONLY one that can create life. We are blessed to be able to partner with Him in this miracle.
To add to the personal side of our journey, I had struggled with creeping doubts about if we could get pregnant. This was deeply rooted in Ben’s battle with cancer over three years ago. (For more on that story, read my first entry on my blog) The doctors had told him that there was a small chance he would not be able to have kids because of the chemo treatments. That’s all it took to allow worry to get a foothold. Worry was something I recognized and fought with prayer and remembering God’s promises on my life.
August 29th. The day we confirmed there was a life growing inside me. Although we were purposeful in this pursuit, it’s amazing the absolute shock and gratitude that came with a positive test. I found out before Ben and was able to set up a little surprise for him when he got home. It was a night to remember.
The first trimester did not come without its difficulties. I experienced queasiness for several weeks and also some dizziness coming from the changes in blood pressure. From a health standpoint, I was very adamant about getting in my nourishing foods. Although I had some aversions and really just seeked out convenience, it was the nutrient-dense foods that would help ease my stomach. Protein was key! My breakfast includes eggs almost every morning and this helps set the platform for the rest of the day. Although I had a few cravings (the most out of character for me was fast food), most of my desire for food was what my body truly needed. Warm nourishing soups, protein-focused meals, and mineral dense drinks did the trick. When we train and tune our body’s to its innate cravings, it will often guide you to the foods that your body needs.
I went into this season having learned how to listen to my body. This helped me greatly when it came to exercise, especially the first few months. I was so fatigued and had no extra energy to workout. Not to mention, my queasiness did not encourage me to move. Because of this, I lost a lot of strength. I got out for walks and stretched when I could. I practiced having compassion on my body for all the work it is doing. Although I hated feeling weak, I knew there would come a time that I could get back to strengthening. In this phase, my body needed rest and nourishment.
I also want to share with you how Ben and I are navigating this pregnancy journey together. I hope that it is something that can empower you and give just another perspective on birth. Over the last few years, I have dug into all things holistic health and unveiling the amazing physiologic design of the body. This led me to research more about midwifery and natural birth. Ben was very gracious (and actually interested) in hearing all I was learning. We decided that when it came time, this would be the route that we would take. God provided us with a wonderful midwife for our care. Some perks of this approach for me are that it is more hands-off. The midwives are very experienced and would tell me if there’s something to be concerned about. But because this process is more hands-off (no ultrasounds, minimal blood work, etc.) I am able to relax and trust that the Creator of this miracle is growing and forming this life inside me. I remember telling Ben recently that it’s amazing how little I do to actually produce this life. All I can do is focus on nourishment and taking care of my body, while all the hard work belongs to God. What a relief!
At some point, I may share more in depth about the nourishment side of pregnancy. In this society, I definitely have received a lot of questions about how we are doing things. It’s more unconventional. But birth has been around from the beginning of time. God’s design for it has not changed. More about this at a later time, because I am fascinated with the intricate design of the human body. For now, thank you for reading and I am excited to share this journey with you. A journey in which I don’t know each and every step along the way. And a journey that is teaching me so much about my body, life, health, and our Father in Heaven.
I hope this has given you a little glimpse into our experience thus far. More to come as we get further along and learn more for ourselves.